How do I apply for a pollution NOC?
increasing awareness to protect the environment and the surroundings and the
feeling that we are just trustees to the environment and need to protect it,
there have been stricter norms related to the emissions of air pollutants,
effluents discharged from industries or the hazardous waste generation or
handling. With the coming up of the ‘polluter pays’ principle
across the rules and legislation’s, there are norms and procedures that must be
followed by Industries and other commercial units regarding pollution. One of
the aspects is pollution NOC. It mainly has two parts on a high level – Consent to
establish and consent to operate.
Before getting
into the steps required for getting the required NOC, we need to know about an
important index known as the Pollution Index of any industrial sector and it is
represented by a number in the range from 0 to 100, with 0 representing the
least pollution impact and 100 being the highest. The industries are classified
based upon the pollution index score into four categories- White (Score less
than 20), Green (Score between 21 to 40), Orange (Score between 41 to 60 and
Red (Score above 60). The nature and extent of regulations and norms get
stricter with increasing pollution index score.
application for the NOC is being processed by the Pollution control boards but
we need to know about 2 broad steps involved in the process. Two permissions
are required before the running of any industrial complex and the two
clearances/NOC are – Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to operate (CTO).
Let’s take a look at both of this one by one.
Consent to Establish
This is step
zero as it is said, in this step details of the proposed project and its
potential for pollution is being summarised in a document and is presented
before the Committee, which goes through various details like waste water
generation , air emission and waste generation potential of the unit and impact on the nearby ecosystem and a range of
other factors and once the committee is satisfied you are given the way ahead
in the form of consent that is called the Consent to Establish.
Consent to Operate
This is the
second step that needs to be followed and once you have been granted the CTE
license you can move ahead and establish the machinery and related
infrastructure as you had presented in the document that was served to the
committee for granting the CTE license. Once the installation is complete and
the industry is ready to operate on a full scale, again various parameters are
measured and if the committee is satisfied with the results regarding pollution
norms, then you are granted the Consent to Operate license.
Green Genra is a name
that you can rely on for any assistance related to pollution Not or other certificates.
We provide our services and help on every step to our clients and our pool of
dedicated and domain experts knows the nuances of the process that comes in
handy. There are a plethora of documents that are required at each step in the
process and we help you in getting them in order as per the requirements. We
also provide our services in the installation of various pollution control
devices and types of equipment and the follow-up process through the committees
and can assist in answering the specific queries that require the help of
experienced professionals who understand the rules in detail relating to
relevant acts of the Government. Feel free to reach out to us.