Is Acupuncture A Good Treatment For Depression?
Acupuncture is a good treatment for many aliments
and has become much more widely used in recent years. While the practice goes
back thousands of years, acupuncture is being recoginized in Canada as a
legitimate treatment for many concerns in western medicine as well.
Sourced: Acupuncture in Burnaby
have shown promising results for acupuncture in British Columbia to be used for
many different applications.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a practice where thin steel
needles, which are the width of a human hair, are inserted into specific parts
of your body. Where the needles are inserted depends on what is being treated.
Some health issues treated using acupuncture in Burnaby are:
Menstrual cramps
Chronic pain
Acute pain such as muscle pain,
back pain, knee pain
Migraines and headaches
Sports injuries
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed
that the body has a flow of energy (called qi) that regulates your health and
how well you fell. If the flow is disrupted, you can become dis-eased. By
applying needles to specific acupuncture points, called meridians, you can
rebalance your energy flow and improve various health concerns and conditions.
Many studies have been done to determine how
acupuncture can be used to treat depression. These studies show promising
results, though the results are not that easy to have be firmly conclusive. It
is believed that acupuncture can be an excellent treatment to consider. If you
begin feeling better, you’ll be grateful you tried it. If it does not help
significantly enough, you won’t be too worried about it because acupuncture in
Canada doesn’t have much in the way of risk factors or any side effects.
Essetnailly, it cannot make your depression worse, it won’t hurt you in any way
and it may very help with your depression in the following ways:
Reduce severity of symptoms – In
many patients, acupuncture in British Columbia will help them to lessen the
severity of their depression symptoms. The needles being inserted encourage
your body to release endorphins which help with depression symptoms. There are
also the traditional Chinese medicine beliefs that returning the flow of qi
improces health and outlook.
Reduce migraines – For some,
migraines are a symptom of the depression they feel or their low mood swings
and hormonal drops can cause migraines. Acupuncture in Burnaby can help to
lessent the severity of migraines and even reduce their onset and the number of
instances of migraines. This is another way that acupuncture can support
depression treatment and can be a replacement for other therapies that carry
much higher risk of side effects and negative outcomes.
Since acupuncture is administered by a qualified
professional, it will be done in a sterile environment that is relaxing and can
help you to feel less depressed as well. Acupuncturists are often concerned
with discussing the whole individual and will usually be someone you can easily
talk to, discuss your symptoms and they will offer you lots of suggestions that
can help. These things alone can often reduce depressive feelings because you
are connect with and receiving support for a qualified and caring human being.